Monday, June 2, 2008

Over the counter acne products pregnancy and chemical peel for acne

Inevitably, the tip of the blocked pore will either turn white (and be called whitehead) or black (and be called blackhead), and since no one I know can resist picking at whiteheads and blackheads, these growths usually break open to spread the oil and bacteria to their immediate surroundings and infect them. And so you will sprout red pimples and go into a blue funk, and depending on the severity of the infection, you may even suffer from really excruciating cysts if the pimples are large enough.
Topical creams and gels, which kill bacteria, are as well available. These generally have benzoyl peroxide. These top acne products are used on skin twice or else thrice a day. One can buy soaps and face wash, which have benzoyl peroxide. Benzoyl peroxide kills acne-causing bacteria and has keratolytic effect. This means it dissolves keratin, which is plugging your skin's pores. Unluckily, acne skin care products having this chemical can cause skin to dry radically. To stop this, concentration of benzoyl peroxide must not go beyond 5%. Patient must also use the non-comedogenic moisturizer to fight extreme skin dryness.
Even though Acne Differin Cream only contains a small amount of the active ingredient, it can cause severe irritation to those with sensitive skin. Only a small amount is needed for each application, and irritation can occur if more than the necessary amount is applied. Differin Cream also can increase the risk of developing severe sunburn, so natural and artificial sun should be avoiding while using this prescription. A stinging sensation can occur directly after applying Acne Differin Cream, and irritation can occur if Differin Cream is applied to the eyes, mouth, or any areas with mucous membranes.
tags: best acne medication, nelly has bad acne, home remedies for acne redness

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